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Long gestating & promising future of China's pet market
- Categories:Industry News
- Author:RH Marketing
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- Time of issue:2019-10-14 16:34
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(Summary description)Pets, also known as companion animals, are usually raised for entertainment and companionship.
Long gestating & promising future of China's pet market
(Summary description)Pets, also known as companion animals, are usually raised for entertainment and companionship.
- Categories:Industry News
- Author:RH Marketing
- Origin:
- Time of issue:2019-10-14 16:34
- Views:
Pets, also known as companion animals, are usually raised for entertainment and companionship. In China, owing to the change of family structure, the increase of people's income and the improvement of consumption structure, more and more people regard pets (cats and dogs) as a spiritual sustenance. The pet population is increasing rapidly, accompanied by the expansion of the pet food market.
【China's Pet population Continue to Expand in 2019】
The number of pets in China increased by nearly 900% in the 10 years between 2003 to 2013. In 2019, the number of pet dogs and cats in urban area reached 99.15 million, increased by 7.66 million (8.4 %) over 2018. Among them, the number of pet dogs was 5.53 million, an increase of 8.2% over 2018; the number of pet cats was 44.12 million, an increase of 8.6% over 2018.
Data by .Goumin information 《the report of the White Paper of China Pet Industry in 2019》
【China's Pet Consumption Continue to Upgrading in 2019】
According to《Report of the White Paper of China Pet Industry in 2019》the annual consumption per pet in 2019 was 5561 yuan, an increase of 545 yuan with 10.9% up compare to 2018. The cost on dogs little more than cants as 6082 yuan against 4755 yuan. The major expenditure was on Pet food and took 61.4% of total cost with 9.2% up from last year.
【Market Scale of Pet Food in China】
Pet food including PET compound food, pet snacks and pet healthy products. The data showed that the pet food market in China reached 60 billion yuan annually in 2018, breaking through 70 billion yuan in 2019, and will continue to grow at a high speed. It is expected that the pet food market in China will exceed 100 billion yuan by 2022.
【Dominate of Imports pet food】
Pet food accounts for about 55% of the pet market. Chinse pet economy is still under development, especially in compound pet food production, including the use of raw materials, product formulation, technology, palatability testing, quality control and other aspects of a great gap. With the growing popularity of pet keeping in China, pet owners who prefer to spend their money on a scientific way of feeding pets, that explains booming market of import pet food at the moment. the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) data shows that China's imports of cat and dog food reached 206 million US dollars in 2018, an increase of 129.3% over 2017. only 18 countries and regions are allowed to import pet food to China by GACC in fact. Canada, Thailand, the United States and New Zealand are the main origins of pet food to China with 90% of total import market share.
Import Amount of Cat and Dog Food (HS230910) in 2009-2018
Data resource: GACC
Since most of pet food is animal-derived products, it is likely to carry human, animal or zoonotic infectious diseases, leading to the spread of the epidemic if it comes from an animal epidemic country(region), China has strict supervision procedures for imported animal food, mainly including following supervisory system:
1.The registration of overseas production enterprises by GACC
2.The registration certificate of imported feed of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) ,
3.The Quarantine License of imported animals and plants.
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